The Twisted Claw

A Battlefield 2 clan with black ops tendencies. We like to drop in unexpected and under the radar and wreak havoc on unsuspecting foes.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Getting warmed up

Hello fellow claws! Thought I'd let you guys in on what's going on around here. As my pal L85 already stated, we're a clan with black ops tendencies. This means that our names are not linked to our BF2 Names, so that we can't be identified by any means(please remove all Dogtags...etc).
We believe in a fun game, which means basically that we play fair, and have fun. We try to have as few rules as possible, but unfortunately with a lot of the way people play we have to have some. Feel free to hit our server and have some fun, the rules are posted there.
The IP:


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